Suited & Connected Issue #6

Illuminating relationship chemistry via the CROWNLINE Method

Welcome to the sixth issue of Suited & Connected©! 😊😊😊

CrownLine has more than 2,000 case studies showing patterns of human relationship chemistry evident via the alignment of birthdates in a system where the following components fuse: birthdates, numerology and rules-based pattern detection algorithms, neuroscience, psychology and astrology. The system, with underpinnings leveraging the CROWNLINE Method founded by Todd Anthony Person, provides evidence that your birthdate and a deck of playing cards can help you navigate through life — enabling you to understand who in your life has, is, and will be among the right individuals to link up with – be it for a friend, best friend, mentor, business associate, sports teammate, or even soulmate.

Via the case studies that Todd has created we are able to see how birthdates matter — and that some people with certain birthdates get along better with others who have certain birthdates, and some, in turn, achieve greatness.


In this issue, Todd leverages The CROWNLINE Method to identify the human relationship chemistry driving the success of the huge movie hit of 2023, “Barbie.”

“Barbie” has earned the first-ever Golden Globe award for cinematic and box office achievement. For Warner Bros., the Golden Globe win marks another victory lap for “Barbie,” which has earned $636 million in North America and $1.4 billion worldwide. It’s the studio’s highest-grossing release ever, along with the 11th-highest of all-time domestically.

Official nominees for the 96th Annual Academy Awards will be released January 23, 2024 and Oscar experts are expecting “Barbie” to receive five nominations.


Barbie the doll was created in 1959 by Ruth Handler (left). Handler passed away in 2002.

Barbie the doll was created in 1959 by Ruth Handler, whose inspiration for the doll Barbie came from watching her daughter Barbara project her dreams and aspirations onto paper dolls. Ruth and her husband Elliot would form Mattel. Ruth was born on Nov. 4, which made her a 3Diamonds/7Diamonds. Elliot was born April 9, which made him a QueenDiamonds/3Spades. The Handlers had matching first suits and made a pair of 3s, and Elliot’s Queen owes to Ruth’s 3 — a Karmic debt that Elliot owed Ruth from a past incarnation. They were married 64 years.

Ruth Handler’s cards are on the right her husband Elliot’s cards on the left.

Having matching first suits and making a pair of the same number was a “Financial Catapult” for them as a family and for the business they created Mattel. Furthermore the definition of the card number “3” as representative of creativity came through for the Handlers — not only to create Barbie the doll but other Mattel product assets such as Hot Wheels.

Greta Gerwig (right), the mastermind behind Oscar-nominated films such as Lady Bird and Little Women, directed “Barbie”. She also wrote the screenplay for the film alongside her partner Noah Baumbach (left).


Greta Gerwig was born Aug.4, which makes her a 9Diamonds/4Diamonds. Her personal & professional partner Noah Baumbach was born Sept.3, which makes him an 8Diamonds/KingSpades.

Greta’s cards (left) and Noah’s cards (right) form a “Suited and Connected” first cards (9Diamonds to the 8Diamonds) — Fame and Success pattern, according to Todd Anthony Person, founder of The CROWNLINE Method.

Margot Robbie is smiling all the way to the bank, due to the box office revenues success of “Barbie”

Margot Robbie was born July 2, which makes her a KingDiamonds/4Spades. She would match Greta with same first suit (Diamonds) and same second number .

In Margot's 7 year cycle represented by chart 4/49, below, we can see Margot's second card the 4Spades "sitting" in the middle of the CrownLine where the 8Diamonds sits.

This 7 year cycle would be for Margot from ages 28-34. During that period she acted in “Once Upon A Time in Hollywood”, a Quentin Tarantino film; “Bombshell,” in which she was nominated in 2020 for an Academy Award for ‘Best Supporting Actress”; and “The Suicide Squad”. Incredible success can occur when we sit in the CrownLine for any length of time, Margot is fortunate to sit there for 7 years.

Examine the CROWNLINE chart (4/49, above): At Age 33 which she turned on July 2, 2023, Margot had the second highest money card (the Queen of Diamonds) as her main theme card for this year.

Examine the CROWNLINE chart (33/78) above and consider the key takeaways below :

In Margot's yearly cycle which started on July 2, 2023 we see the 4Diamonds behind her KingDiamonds which would represent her director of “Barbie” Greta Gerwig. Furthermore the card right after Margot’s King of Diamonds is the QueenDiamonds showing up again, now both in the 7 year cycle and yearly cycle. This would create a “DOUBLE Financial Catapult.” According to a deep assessment by Todd Anthony Person, Margot is spending five months of her year starting October 14, 2023 through March 17, 2024 through the CrownLine. Specifically during her 52 days of her Mars cycle, Margot earned a $50 million bonus as a result of Barbie’s box office performance.

For those who join the CrownLine Community, you can have the tools available to assess your own cycles for success.

Looking at Greta's yearly cycle chart above (40/85) in which she is in, now at 40 years of age, we can see that she also has an incredible financial and career success year with her 9Diamonds sitting in the Jupiter column and also currently in the CrownLine as of this issue’s publishing. Greta’s 9Diamonds moves to the CrownLine, which currently includes the 10Diamonds, her Jupiter period and card. That 10Diamonds card represents business and financial success. Says Todd Anthony Person, “Nobody could have imagined days before Barbie’s release that it would go on to have the financial draw that it would have worldwide, but the cards of Greta and Margot and their respective yearly cycles certainly validate the potential for PHENOMENAL success.”

If you want to know if you’re going through the CrownLine in 2024, send us an email to [email protected].

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