Suited & Connected issue 35

Illuminating human relationship chemistry via the CROWNLINE Method

Welcome to issue 35 of Suited & Connected©! 😊😊😊

CrownLine — building a community of people interested in understanding vital components of relationship chemistry — is making available tools and a ‘playbook’ that enable functional understanding of the CROWNLINE Method, which can help an individual attain a happier and more prosperous life.

The CROWNLINE Method provides for actionable insights according to birthdates, revealing which individuals are best to link up with — be it a friend, mentor, coach/trainer, babysitter/nanny/caretaker, lawyer, wealth management advisor, healthcare practitioner, veterinarian, teacher, business associate, sports teammate, or even a soulmate.

CROWNLINE Method fuses elements from mathematics (e.g. Fibonacci sequences, sacred geometry), a deck of playing cards, neuroscience, psychology, and astrology. Birthdates correlate to certain numbers and suits on the cards - and there are identifiable patterns found via algorithms in which certain cards match well or, conversely, are divisive when engaged with other cards.

The deck of playing cards was originally used by several ancient civilizations as a calendar: there are 52 cards representing the 52 weeks in the year. There are (4) suits representing the four seasons. Hearts representing Spring, Clubs representing Summer, Diamonds representing Fall and Spades representing Winter. Each season has (13) weeks, and each suit has thirteen cards. There are (12) Face cards and there are twelve months and (12) astrological signs. If you add up all the Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds, and Spades with Ace being (1) and King being (13) you get 364. Add December 31st being the day of 1 ¼ and you now get 365 ¼ days which is an entire year.'

Just as there are different symbols and diagrams used in geometry, chemistry, and engineering, in the CROWNLINE Method a regular deck of playing cards with its Symbols (Suits), Numbers and Colors all have a meaning in providing relationship compatibility insights on a particular person at hand, according to their birthday.

Card alignment can manifest in many forms:

  • Exact same cards (e.g., 3 of Diamonds to 3 of Diamonds)

  • Matching one number (e.g., 3 of Spades, 3 of Hearts)

  • Matching a same-suit (e.g., 3 of Clubs, 9 of Clubs)

  • Being suited and connected (e.g. 3 of Diamonds to 4 of Diamonds) in their first card called ‘the birth card’ or their second card known as “the astrological ruling card”

CROWNLINE Method analysis extends beyond the individual’s birthday and associated cards. ‘Family Tree’ chemistry, which includes CROWNLINE Method analysis of birthdays and associated cards of parents and child, can identify alignment, dis-alignment or neutral alignment. The boost associated with alignment can offer an offspring heightened performance, fame and success.

In this issue 35 of Suited & Connected©, we show how both parents align by either matching numbers or identical cards that make a pair. These patterns, revealed in this issue, demonstrate a CROWNLINE Method Family Tree model for financial success.The following individuals are our featured examples:

Caitlyn Jenner, Robert Jenner & Esther Jenner

Tua Tagovailoa, Galu Tagovailoa & Diane Tagovailoa

Denzell Washington, Denzel Washington, Sr. & Lennis Washington

Madonna, Silvio P. Ciccone & Madonna Louise Ciccone

No Branch Davidians Receive Shade Here: ‘Family Tree’ chemistry, which includes CROWNLINE Method analysis of birthdays and associated cards of parents and child, can identify alignment, dis-alignment or neutral alignment. The associated boost can offer an offspring heightened performance and a myriad of metrics of fame and success.

Caitlyn Jenner, Robert Jenner & Esther Jenner

Caitlyn Jenner’s dad, Robert Jenner, born February 7, is the 5 of Spades/King of Diamonds; Caitlyn’s mother, Esther Jenner, born May 14, is the 5Diamonds/Jack of Clubs. Caitlyn Jenner, born ‘Bruce’ on October 28, is the 7 of Hearts/Jack of Hearts. Caitlyn’s parents have matching number (5) birth cards; and Caitlyn and her mom have matching numbers (Jacks) for astrological cards — the Jack of Hearts and Jack of Clubs


Taking the podium at Comedy Central’s roast of Alec Baldwin in September 2019, Caitlyn Jenner (nee Bruce Jenner), the former Olympic gold medal-winning decathlete said, “All of you are making these silly comments and jokes about how I kind of … ‘cut it off.’ Let me remind you — It made Kylie and Kendall Jenner…” two highly successful young women. No joke — Robert & Esther Jenner parented a child who would attain fame and money. In 2024, Caitlyn Jenner’s net worth is estimated to be $25 million.

Tua Tagovailoa, Galu Tagovailoa & Diane Tagovailoa

Tua Tagovailoa’s father, Galu Tagovailoa, born April 24, is the 10 of Clubs/King of Spades; Tua’s mother, Diane Tagovailoa, born August 6, is the 7 of Diamonds/King of Hearts. Tua Tagovailoa, born March 2, is the 8 of Spades/9 of Hearts. Tua’s parents have same number (13, aka King) for their astrological ruling cards.

In late July of 2024, the National Football League’s Miami Dolphins signed their fifth-year quarterback, Tua Tagovailo to a four-year, $212.4 million extension. He’s coming off his first Pro Bowl season after leading the league with 4,624 passing yards and throwing for a career-high 29 touchdowns, 14 interceptions and a 101.1 passer rating a year after having led the league with a 105.5 rating.

Denzel Washington, Denzel Washington, Sr. & Lennis Washington

Entertainment industry star Denzel Washington’s father, Denzel Washington, Sr., born, October 5, is the 4 of Diamonds/8 of Hearts; Denzel Washington’s mother, Lennis Washington, born April 4, is the 4 of Spades/8 of Spades. Denzel Washington, born December 28, is the 3 of Hearts/3 of Diamonds. Denzel’s parents have same number (4) birth cards and same number (8) astrological ruling cards. Denzel and his father are suited and connected/inverted (4 of Diamonds to the 3 of Diamonds).



Denzel Washington Jr. (born December 28, 1954) is an American actor, producer, and director. Known for his versatile work spanning over four decades of screen and stage, he has been regarded as one of the best actors of his generation, with The New York Times naming him in 2020 the greatest actor of the 21st century. Washington has received a number of honors including two Academy Awards, a Tony Award, three Golden Globe Awards, as well as the Cecil B. DeMille Award and AFI Life Achievement Award. As of 2024, Denzel Washington's net worth is estimated to be $300 million.

Madonna, Silvio P. Ciccone & Madonna Louise Ciccone

Madonna’s father, Silvio P Ciccone, born June 2, is the 2 of Spades/8 of Hearts; Madonna’s mother, Madonna Louise, born July 11, is the 4 of Diamonds/8 of Diamonds. Madonna, born August 16, is the 10 of Clubs/10 of Spades. Madonna’s parents had matching numbers (8) for their astrological ruling cards.


Madonna Louise Ciccone aka ‘Madonna’ is an American singer, songwriter, and actress. Regarded as the "Queen of Pop", she has been recognized for her continual reinvention and versatility in music production, songwriting and visual presentation. Madonna's works, which incorporate social, political, sexual and religious themes, have generated both controversy and critical acclaim. A cultural icon spanning both the 20th and 21st centuries, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame called her, in 2008, one of the most "well-documented figures of the modern age.” Her Net Worth as of 2024 is estimated to be $850 million. Many modern people had not heard of Kabbalah until Madonna famously converted to a form of Kabbalism in the early 2000s, eliciting widespread conversation about her conversion and Jewish mysticism. Madonna was drawn to Kabbalah for the same reasons many people are drawn to faith traditions, mystical or otherwise: for meaning and purpose.


Chantal S. Executive recruiter, says “Gifted, Exceptional, Entertaining and Unforgettable are only a few words to describe my experience with Todd Anthony Person and The CROWNLINE Method. This is an exceptional technique utilized to match human relationship chemistry at all levels from business to soulmates. There are multiple pattern levels from one-on-one matching to full family trees explaining your compatibility with certain individuals. I understood how I connect with my family as well as with business associates. It also showed how incompatible I am with certain people and how some of my past love relationships were doomed. I highly recommend that experience for anyone looking to better understand relationships new or old. It’s fascinating and even if you are not a believer in zodiac signs, cards, and planets, you will understand the method to connect. 

Soheila S., Real estate broker, says, “The founder of the CROWNLINE Method, Todd Anthony Person, demonstrates ultra passion, deep knowledge and a relentless quest to help people comprehend, and decode, human relationship chemistry. A friend of mine and I have the same birthday and we get along so well; we came to see Todd in-person and he had fantastic insights about us derived from our cards that ring true for us."

Joel D., Novelist & award-winning journalist, says: “Todd and the CROWNLINE Method assessed my birthdate and the birthdate of my deceased wife —and was spot-on to show me how our cards alignment reflected the supreme dynamic of a romantic relationship — soulmates.”

Greg E.Chief Human Resources Officer of a corporation with $20 billion in annual revenue, says: “Todd and the CROWNLINE Method are impressive!”

Tracy M.,” a former college superstar and NBA Championship ring bearer, says, “I have known Todd since the 1990s and I can tell you that I have personally observed how the CROWNLINE Method de-codes human relationship chemistry. I use the Method in my business and my family to help me make informed decisions about important matters that involve human relationship chemistry.

Jessica H. , a life coach specializing in alignment of physical and mental conditioning, says, “My belief in the CROWNLINE Method goes back to the early 2000’s. Todd Person gave my then-boyfriend and me good news about our relationship. We were suited & connected. We were indeed well-suited and connected to one another, but the (cards) confirmation from Todd took out the guesswork. Soon after, we were married and have been for the past decade. I didn’t see Todd again until 2023, and the information he could deliver from his CrownLine consultations had increased tenfold. He told my husband and I that we would be moving that year — and we did. He told us that we would have an excellent money-making year, and we did. Everything he told us happened down to the day! Todd’s system is impressive and has helped me navigate through my life experience with more certainty and clarity.”

Shellee R. , a successful small business owner and parent of two successful adult kids, says, “The CROWNLINE Method reveals the connections in life and relationships. The cards and their meanings explain to us how and why our lives connect with others. It has been fascinating to see the clarity and confidence that the CROWNLINE Method can provide.”

Ava-Marie L., an NCAA division I scholar-athlete, says, “The CROWNLINE Method is amazingly accurate, and I successfully applied it to my personal life on campus, able to connect with a great guy, based on our respective birthdates.”

Dylan G., an NCAA division I scholar-athlete playing quarterback, says, “I used the CROWNLINE Method as part of my decision-making for choosing the right NCAA school to play football. My cards aligned with those of the coach and the offensive coordinator, and I’m feeling great about my prospects for having a successful college career in the quarterback position.”

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