Suited & Connected issue 32

Illuminating human relationship chemistry via the CROWNLINE Method

Welcome to issue 32 of Suited & Connected©! 😊😊😊

CrownLine is building a community of people revolving around a method that illuminates human relationship chemistry. Via the CROWNLINE Method - which fuses elements from mathematics (e.g. Fibonacci sequence, sacred geometry), neuroscience, psychology, and astrology - birth dates correlate to certain numbers and suits on the cards - and there are identifiable patterns found via algorithms in which certain cards are seen to match well or be divisive with other cards.

The deck of playing cards was originally used by several ancient civilizations as a calendar: there are 52 cards representing the 52 weeks in the year. There are (4) suits representing the four seasons. Hearts representing Spring, Clubs representing Summer, Diamonds representing Fall and Spades representing Winter. Each season has (13) weeks, and each suit has thirteen cards. There are (12) Face cards and there are twelve months and (12) astrological signs. If you add up all the Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds, and Spades with Ace being (1) and King being (13) you get 364. Add December 31st being the day of 1 ¼ and you now get 365 ¼ days which is an entire year.'

Just as there are different symbols and diagrams used to solve geometry, chemistry, and engineering, in the CROWNLINE Method a regular deck of playing cards with its Symbols (Suits), Numbers and Colors all have a meaning in providing relationship compatibility insights on a particular person at hand, according to their birthdate.

CROWNLINE Method has identified signs of birthday compatibility chemistry between Kamala Harris and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, as well as birthday compatibility chemistry between Donald J. Trump and U.S. Senator James David "JD" Vance.

In November 2024, an election will take place to determine the 47th President of the United States.

The Democratic Party donkey and the Republican Party elephant have been on the political scene since the 19th century. The origins of the Democratic donkey can be traced to the 1828 presidential campaign of Andrew Jackson. During that race, opponents of Jackson called him a jackass. However, rather than rejecting the label, Jackson was amused by it and included an image of the animal in his campaign posters. Jackson went on to defeat incumbent John Quincy Adams and serve as America’s first Democratic president. In the 1870s, influential political cartoonist Thomas Nast helped popularize the donkey as a symbol for the entire Democratic Party. The Republican Party was formed in 1854 and six years later Abraham Lincoln became its first member elected to the White House . An image of an elephant was featured as a Republican symbol in at least one political cartoon and a newspaper illustration during the Civil War (when “seeing the elephant” was an expression used by soldiers to mean experiencing combat), but the pachyderm didn’t start to take hold as a GOP symbol until Nast used it in an 1874 Harper’s Weekly cartoon. 

So let’s examine details of the birthdays of the 2024 presidential election running mates and assess card compatibility.

CROWNLINE Method Birthday Compatibility Basics

Each person has two cards that are associated with their birthday. The first card, known as the birth card, is derived from a mathematical formula. The second card, known as the astrological ruling card, is derived from the month and astrology sign of the individual’s birthday.

Card Compatibility Assessment

Republican Party Ticket

  • Donald J. Trump, born June 14, is the 3 of Diamonds/Ace of Spades

  • JD Vance, born August. 2, is the Jack of Diamonds/6 of Spades

Democrat Party Ticket

  • Kamala Harris, born October 20, is the 2 of Clubs/Jack of Diamonds 

  • Tim Walz, born April 6, is the  2 of Spades/6 of Spades

Running Mates Compatibility Chemistry — (From left) Donald J. Trump, born June 14, is the 3 of Diamonds/Ace of Spades; JD Vance, born August. 2, is the Jack of Diamonds/6 of Spades; Kamala Harris, born October 20, is the 2 of Clubs/Jack of Diamonds; Tim Walz, born April 6, is the  2 of Spades/6 of Spades. Harris-Walz pair of 2's signals great potential for a fortuitous outcome.

Former President Donald J. Trump, age 78, selected JD Vance as his vice presidential running mate, mid-July, and wrote July 15 on Truth Social, “After lengthy deliberation and thought, and considering the tremendous talents of many others, I have decided that the person best suited to assume the position of Vice President of the United States is Senator J.D. Vance of the Great State of Ohio.” Vance, 40, won his Senate seat in 2022 with Trump’s backing.

Kamala Harris, age 59, introduces Tim Walz, age 60, as her vice president running mate in Philadelphia on the evening of August 6th

Donald J. Trump and JD Vance are the same suits in their birth and astrological ruling cards, which is a positive for their chemistry.  Trump and Vance’s birth cards are both odd numbered, which is another plus for their relationship. Vance’s Jack of Diamonds is a youthful energy that balances out Donald Trump’s age (78). Note that Donald Trump’s first wife Ivana (born Feb. 20) was a 5 of Diamonds/Jack of Diamonds. "When we meet someone who shares a card with an immediate family member — or in Donald Trump’s case a former spouse — there can be a subconscious familiarity. For Donald Trump , JD Vance and Ivana Trump matched the Jack of Diamonds as one of their two cards,” says CROWNLINE Method founder Todd Anthony Person.

Kamala Harris’s and Tim Walz’s birth cards make a pair of the number 2; Harris is the 2 of Clubs/Jack of Diamonds and Walz is the 2 of Spades/6 of Spades. Historical data shows when two people make a pair of the same number, opportunities for success in their chosen endeavor increases significantly. 

Harris was considering as her running mate Gov. Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania. Shapiro was born June 20, his birth card being the 10 of Clubs, and astrological ruling card being the 8 of Diamonds . While Harris and Shapiro have the same suits in birth and astrological ruling cards, making a pair of the same number is a stronger card connection when it comes to synergy and achievement.

“Walz was not an uncomfortable choice for Harris,” says Todd. “ Indeed Shapiro’s birth card, the 10 of Clubs, would have eclipsed Harris’s 2 of Clubs birth card, which might raise discussion about who is Commander in Chief.”

Adds Todd, "Discussion about Dick Cheney being dominant as vice president to President George Bush is the subject of a movie, Vice. 

Vice is a 2018 American biographical political satire black comedy that follows Dick Cheney on his path to becoming the most powerful vice president in American history.

Historical data starting with President George Washington to today shows that making a pair gives the candidate running mates a significant chance for success. According to Todd’s research, George Washington/John Adams, Thomas Jefferson/ George Clinton, ’Teddy’ Roosevelt/Charles Warren Fairbanks, Bill Clinton/Al Gore, and Barack Obama/Joe Biden — to name a few — were all running mates that made a pair of the same number.

(Left) George Washington, born February . 22, (3 of Diamonds/9 of Spades), and (right) John Adams, born Oct. 30 (5 of Hearts/9 of Hearts), were the first president and vice president, respectively, of the United States.

Thomas Jefferson, born April 13 (8 of Diamonds/Ace of Clubs), was an American statesman, planter, diplomat, lawyer, architect, philosopher, and Founding Father who served as president of the United States from 1801 to 1809.

George Clinton, born July 26 (2 of Clubs/8 of Hearts), was an American soldier, statesman, and Founding Father of the United States. A prominent Democratic-Republican, Clinton served as vice president under Thomas Jefferson from 1805 to 1809.

President Bill Clinton, (left), born August 19 (7 of Clubs/2 of Clubs) walking with Vice President Al Gore, born Mar. 31 (5 of Clubs/7 of Hearts) on the South Lawn, August 10, 1993. The vice presidency of Al Gore lasted from 1993 to 2001, being twice elected alongside Bill Clinton in the 1992 and 1996 presidential elections.

In this official White House photograph, President Barack Obama, born August 4 (9 of Diamonds/4 of Diamonds) and Vice President Joe Biden, born November 20 (King of Hearts/4 of Clubs), walk to the motorcade on the South Lawn of the White House for departure en route to the U.S. Capitol in Washington, for a St. Patrick’s Day lunch, March 17, 2015.

Former U.S. Vice President Mike Pence (pictured above) was a mixed bag of success-failure teaming with Donald Trump. He campaigned successfully to become U.S. Vice President serving President Donald Trump loyally until January 6, 2023, when he refused to declare as invalid the U.S. presidential elections results win achieved by the Democratic Party Biden-Harris duo.

Donald J. Trump’s two cards (left) and Mike Pence’s two cards (right) were not and are not a strong match. While birth cards and astrological ruing cards were same suits, respectively they were far apart, seven positions

Mike Pence’s June 7 birthday is one week before Donald Trump’s June 14 birthday. There are four reasons why the Trump-Pence card alignment was not strong.

1) While top cards and bottom cards of Pence and Trump are same suits, they are seven positions apart, respectively, a lack of proximity. This pattern reflects a misreading of personality and characteristics, in this case Donald Trump incorrectly reading Mike Pence.

2) There is a trigger (negative) with the respective two people because of an odd/even first card dynamic; it is typically preferred in a healthy relationship that either both cards (of the birth card) are even-numbered or both cards are odd-numbered; when there is a person who has an even-numbered first card and the other person has an odd-numbered first card, this can lead to misunderstanding in communication and friction in their relationship;

3) There is no pair of numbers made between the two people;

 4) There isn’t a suited and connected dynamic. (In order for Pence to have been optimally suited and connected to Trump — in a vice presidential capacity supporting the president — the preferred card to match Donald Trump would have to be a 2 of Diamonds.

In conclusion, the patterns that we have identified and examined in issue 32 of Suited & Connected© can have the potential of boosting outcomes: however, ultimately, individuals must execute and perform — in short, nothing is set in stone or predetermined.


Chantal S. Executive Recruiter, says “Gifted, Exceptional, Entertaining and Unforgettable are only a few words to describe my experience with Todd Anthony Person and The CROWNLINE Method. This is an exceptional technique utilized to match human relationship chemistry at all levels from business to soulmates. There are multiple pattern levels from one-on-one matching to full family trees explaining your compatibility with certain individuals. I understood how I connect with my family as well as with business associates. It also showed how incompatible I am with certain people and how some of my past love relationships were doomed. I highly recommend that experience for anyone looking to better understand relationships new or old. It’s fascinating and even if you are not a believer in zodiac signs, cards, and planets, you will understand the method to connect. 

Soheila S., Real estate broker, says, “The founder of the CROWNLINE Method, Todd Anthony Person, demonstrates ultra passion, deep knowledge and a relentless quest to help people comprehend, and decode, human relationship chemistry. A friend of mine and I have the same birthday and we get along so well; we came to see Todd in-person and he had fantastic insights about us derived from our cards that ring true for us."

Joel D., Novelist & award-winning journalist, says: “Todd and the CROWNLINE Method assessed my birthdate and the birthdate of my deceased wife —and was spot-on to show me how our cards alignment reflected the supreme dynamic of a romantic relationship — soulmates.”

Greg E.Chief Human Resources Officer of a corporation with $20 billion in annual revenue, says: “Todd and the CROWNLINE Method are impressive!”

Tracy M.,” a former college superstar and NBA Championship ring bearer, says, “I have known Todd since the 1990s and I can tell you that I have personally observed how the CROWNLINE Method de-codes human relationship chemistry. I use the Method in my business and my family to help me make informed decisions about important matters that involve human relationship chemistry.

Jessica H. , a life coach specializing in alignment of physical and mental conditioning, says, “My belief in the CROWNLINE Method goes back to the early 2000’s. Todd Person gave my then-boyfriend and me good news about our relationship. We were suited & connected. We were indeed well-suited and connected to one another, but the (cards) confirmation from Todd took out the guesswork. Soon after, we were married and have been for the past decade. I didn’t see Todd again until 2023, and the information he could deliver from his CrownLine consultations had increased tenfold. He told my husband and I that we would be moving that year — and we did. He told us that we would have an excellent money-making year, and we did. Everything he told us happened down to the day! Todd’s system is impressive and has helped me navigate through my life experience with more certainty and clarity.”

Shellee R. , a successful small business owner and parent of two successful adult kids, says, “The CROWNLINE Method reveals the connections in life and relationships. The cards and their meanings explain to us how and why our lives connect with others. It has been fascinating to see the clarity and confidence that the CROWNLINE Method can provide.”

Ava-Marie L., an NCAA division I scholar-athlete, says, “The CROWNLINE Method is amazingly accurate, and I successfully applied it to my personal life on campus, able to connect with a great guy, based on our respective birthdates.”

Dylan G., an NCAA division I scholar-athlete playing quarterback, says, “I used the CROWNLINE Method as part of my decision-making for choosing the right NCAA school to play football. My cards aligned with those of the coach and the offensive coordinator, and I’m feeling great about my prospects for having a successful college career in the quarterback position.”

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