Suited & Connected 11th Issue

Illuminating relationship chemistry via the CROWNLINE Method


Welcome to the 11th issue of Suited & Connected©! 😊😊😊


In a Fox News town hall February 21, 2024, former U.S. President Donald Trump said his list for Vice President running mates for the 2024 Presidential election includes Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, Florida Rep. Byron Donalds, former Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem, biotech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy and South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott.

Trump, 77, said the most important quality he’s looking for in a running mate is someone who could be a great president in the event that something happens to him. “I always say I want people with common sense because there's so many things happening in this country that don't make sense,” Trump said.

In this issue of Suited & Connected©, CrownLine Founder and CEO Todd Anthony Person examines the birthdates and card alignment dynamics between Trump and those on his short list — much like Todd examines card alignment for ‘people in business together’. Realizing, however, that politics is a specialized business category — almost a species unto its own — Todd also analyzed patterns of birthdate card alignments of past Presidential-VP candidate teams, including the dynamic duo of Donald Trump-Mike Pence.

Born June 14,, former U.S. President Donald Trump’s 2 Life Cards are 3Diamonds/Ace of Spades

Slogans aside, CrownLine has always realized the greatness of birthdays! They have been great, they are great, and they will forever be great — because via the CROWNLINE Method we can understand so much about human relationship chemistry via birthdates!

Former U.S. Vice President Mike Pence (pictured above) was a mixed bag of success-failure teaming with Donald Trump. He campaigned successfully to become U.S. Vice President serving President Donald Trump loyally until January 6, 2023, when he refused to declare as invalid the U.S. presidential elections results win achieved by the Democratic Party Biden-Harris duo.

Donald Trump’s 2 Life Cards (left) and Mike Pence’s 2 Life Cards (right) were not a strong match, according to CrownLine founder and CEO Todd Anthony Person.

Mike Pence’s June 7 birthday is one week before Donald Trump’s June 14 birthday. There are four reasons why the Trump-Pence card alignment is not strong. 1) Interestingly enough, their top cards and bottom cards are same suits and seven positions apart, respectively, a lack of proximity. 2) There is a trigger (negative) with the respective two people because of an Odd/Even first card dynamic;; it is typically preferred in a healthy relationship that either both cards (of the First Life Card) are even-numbered or both cards are odd-numbered; when there is a person who has an even-numbered first card and the other person has an odd-numbered first card, this can lead to misunderstanding in communication and friction in their relationship; 3) there is no pair of numbers made between the two people; 4) nor is there a suited and connected dynamic. (In order for Pence to be optimally suited and connected to Trump — in a vice presidential capacity supporting the president — the preferred card to match Donald Trump would have to be a 2Diamonds.

Now, let’s look at Todd’s assessment of Trump’s VP candidate short list. A quick but important preface first: His assessment is made having examined previous presidential elections in the past 60 years — Clinton and Gore made a pair of the same number; Obama and Biden made a pair of the same number; Eisenhower and Nixon were suited and connected.

Life Cards of the 6 Shortlisted. Upper Row from (L) to (R): 10Clubs/8Diamonds-Ron DeSantis, 9Diamonds/KingClubs-Tulsi Gabbard, 5Clubs/3Diamonds-Tim Scott, Lower Row from (L) to (R) 3Hearts/5Clubs-Kristi Noem 7 Hearts/JackHearts-Byron Donalds, 4Diamonds/10Clubs-Vivek Ramaswamy

(Left) U.S. Senator representing South Carolina Tim Scott and (right) Donald Trump. Scott was born on September 19, 1965, making Scott a 5Clubs/3Diamonds.

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem was born November 30, 1971, making her a 3Hearts/5Clubs

Todd’s Takeaways

#1Choice: Tim Scott and Donald Trump make a matching pair of 3Diamonds,

#2 Choice: Kristi Noem and Donald Trump make a pair of 3’s, first cards.

Below is a rationale for the remaining four individuals on Trump’s short list for his VP running mate:

4Diamonds/10Clubs-Vivek Ramaswamy (3)

Vivek and Donald are suited and connected 3Diamonds to 4Diamonds,. But because Vivek’s 4 is in front of Donald’s 3, makes the suited and connected less pristine, Here, President Trump would be the one “supporting” Vivek, whereas you’d want the reverse when you have a vice president supporting the president.

9Diamonds/KingClubs-Tulsi Gabbard (4)

The positive of the card alignment is they are matching first suits (Diamonds) and also they are both odd-numbered first cards; but there is no making a pair, nor suited and connected dynamic.

7Hearts/JackHearts-Byron Donalds (5)

There is no number match, no suit match, no pairs, no suited and connected dynamic.

10Clubs/8Diamonds-Ron DeSantis (6)

Taking the suits away, Ron DeSantis and Mike Pence have the same two numbers (10s and 8s). We all know how Pence and Trump had a huge falling out. It is within reason to believe that DeSantis and Trump, who have a cold relation as is, would have a similar disjointed relationship.

Says Todd, “Historical data starting with President George Washington to President Dwight D. Eisenhower to today shows that making a pair gives the candidate a significant chance for success.”

According to Todd’s research, Eisenhower/Nixon, Clinton/Gore, Obama/Biden all had a CROWNLINE Method success pattern. Look forward to details in an upcoming podcast that will be available on the CrownLine Community Jupiter Column Platform, which will be available by subscription starting at a TBD date in March 2024.

In a commemorative coin, Dwight Eisenhower (foreground, right) and Richard Nixon (background, left)

(Left, foreground) Bill Clinton and (right, background) Al Gore

Barack Obama (foreground, left) and Joe Biden (background, right) commemorated in a 2008 stamp from the African country Malawi.


Tracy M.,” a former college superstar and NBA Championship ring bearer, says, “I have known Todd since the 1990s and I can tell you that I have personally observed how the CROWNLINE Method de-codes human relationship chemistry. I use the Method in my business and my family to help me make informed decisions about important matters that involve human relationship chemistry.

“Jessica H.” , a life coach specializing in alignment of physical and mental conditioning, says, “My belief in the CROWNLINE Method goes back to the early 2000’s. Todd Person gave my then-boyfriend and me good news about our relationship. We were suited & connected. We were indeed well-suited and connected to one another, but the (cards) confirmation from Todd took out the guesswork. Soon after, we were married and have been for the past decade. I didn’t see Todd again until 2023, and the information he could deliver from his CrownLine consultations had increased tenfold. He told my husband and I that we would be moving that year — and we did. He told us that we would have an excellent money-making year, and we did. Everything he told us happened down to the day! Todd’s system is impressive and has helped me navigate through my life experience with more certainty and clarity.”

Shellee R.” , a successful small business owner and parent of two successful adult kids, says, “The CROWNLINE Method reveals the connections in life and relationships. The cards and their meanings explain to us how and why our lives connect with others. It has been fascinating to see the clarity and confidence that the CROWNLINE Method can provide.”

Ava-Marie L.”, an NCAA division I scholar-athlete, says, “The CROWNLINE Method is amazingly accurate, and I successfully applied it to my personal life on campus, able to connect with a great guy, based on our respective birthdates.”

“Dylan G.”, an NCAA division I scholar-athlete playing quarterback, says, “I used the CROWNLINE Method as part of my decision-making for choosing the right NCAA school to play football. My cards aligned with those of the coach and the offensive coordinator, and I’m feeling great about my prospects for having a successful college career in the quarterback position.”

“Greg E.”, Chief Human Resources Officer of a corporation with $20 billion in annual revenue, says: “Todd and the CROWNLINE Method are impressive!”

Do you have a topic for a case study that you would like CrownLine and Todd to examine? It can be related to sports, music and entertainment, or any subject matter you choose - all that’s needed is to supply us the birthdates of the relevant individuals.

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