Suited & Connected 10th Issue

Illuminating relationship chemistry via the CROWNLINE Method

Welcome to the 10th issue of Suited & Connected©! 😊😊😊

As we publish this newsletter’s 10th issue, February 14, 2024 is just a day away and that means it will be “Valentine’s Day”, in which romantic love is celebrated.

The 8th-century Gelasin Sacramentary recorded the celebration of the Feast of Saint Valentine on February 14. The day became associated with romantic love in the 14th and 15th centuries when notions of courtly love flourished, apparently by association with the “lovebirds” of early spring.

CROWNLINE Method can help you leverage your knowledge of your own birthday and the birthdays of other individuals to optimize your human chemistry relationships. These relationships span a wide spectrum — be it your work life, making and enhancing connections with acquaintances for friendship, better understanding professionals who provide services, and, last but not least, identifying potential soulmates. 😊❤️😊❤️

The CROWNLINE Method -- created by Todd Anthony Person over a 25-year-period – is a highly disciplined approach to illuminating human relationship chemistry fusing math (algorithms and numerology), neuroscience, psychology and astrology. Essentially, the CROWNLINE Method enables us to understand how birthdates of individuals matter not only in terms of the kind of person each of us has the propensity to be throughout our lives, but what kinds of other people we are likely to connect with or, conversely, which people with whom we are likely to experience discord.

In this 10th issue of Suited & Connected, to celebrate Valentine’s Day celebrated on February 14, Todd assesses the birthdates and card alignments of couples who have enjoyed long-term relationships.


Carl has put a smile on Dolly’s face frequently in their nearly 59 years of marriage.

The CROWNLINE Method validates the backstory on Dolly Parton’s fantastic career in the music & entertainment world, as well as her long-term marriage of nearly 59 years to Carl Dean. Parton, in an interview with Country Living published in a Southern Living piece mid November 2023, indicated she would be slowing down on her work and appearances as her husband Carl is now 81 and she’d like to spend more time with him.

Todd’s Takeaways:

❤️Carl Thomas Dean’s birthday is July 20, making his cards 8Clubs/Ace of Diamonds

❤️Dolly Parton’s birthday is January 19, making her cards 8Diamonds/ 10Spades.

❤️Dolly and Carl’s cards align as they have same number first cards (8).


(right) 97-year-old Arwilda and her husband, 102-year-old Cleovis Whiteside (left), married in July 1939. Now, they’ve got 84+ years of marriage under their belt.

Cleovis and Arwilda met when he was 13 and she was 9 years old. It happened “in the fork of a road,” according to an article published in USA TODAY. September 29, 2023. Cleovis was with his stepbrother Elmo, who had a mental disability. His stepbrother would often approach young ladies and grab their hands. Cleovis, who was taller, would often step in and tell him to let the girls go.  One day, as Arwilda walked down the road, her friend told her to run to the taller boy, Cleovis, because he would protect her. When Arwilda ran to him, he knew he was going to marry her, he said.

He later saw her at a boxed supper event at church where girls and women made boxed meals for local boys and men to buy.  Cleovis bought Arwilda her boxed supper for 40 cents.

The pair also went to school together, because at the time, children attended a one-room school. Some students were older and sharecroppers, so they didn’t attend all the time. They were married on July 24, 1939, when she was 13 and he was 17. 

Arwilda’s two Life Cards (left) and Cleovis’s two Life Cards (right) form a patten of first cards (top) being the same suit and two positions from each other.

Todd’s Takeaways:

❤️Cleovis Whiteside was born May 29, making his two Life Cards 3Clubs/3Spades

❤️Arwilda Whiteside was born August 21, making her two Life Cards 5Clubs/Jack of Hearts

❤️Arwilda’s and Cleovis’s respective first cards of their two Life Cards are two positions from one another, same suit (Clubs), forming a “Venus connection” pattern.

❤️Another long-term couple with the very same Venus connection pattern was Golf champion Arnold Palmer and his wife Winnie (before she passed in 1999), married for 45 years.



Love him or hate him, Steve Jobs founded Apple Computer and changed the world. He also found the love of his life, Laurene Powell, and would remark on his death bed in 2011 as he suffered from pancreatic cancer, “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.”

Steve Jobs and Laurene Powell found each other in October 1989. Steve Jobs gave a "View from the Top" lecture at Stanford Business School. Laurene Powell was a new MBA student and sneaked to the front of the lecture and started up a conversation with Jobs, who was seated next to her. They subsequently had dinner together that night. The two were married in 1991. Their marriage would produce a family of three children in addition to a child Jobs had before meeting Powell.

After her husband died, Powell Jobs told the New York Times, “Just like anyone that you share your life with, there’s an exchange and a robustness. We had a very, very beautiful and rich connection.”

‘Till Death Do They Part’: (Left) Steve Jobs and Laurene Powell Jobs met at a talk Steve was giving at Palo Alto, married two years later and were married for 20 years until Steve died of cancer in 2011.

(Left) Steve Jobs two Life Cards (Ace of Diamonds/5Diamonds; (Right) Two Life Cards of Laurene Powell Jobs (Ace of Diamonds/3Clubs

Todd’s Takeaways:

❤️Steve Jobs birthday was February 24, making his two Life Cards the Ace of Diamonds and 5Diamonds.

❤️Laurene Powell Jobs was born November 6, making her first two Life Cards the Ace of Diamonds, 3Clubs.

❤️With their first cards being the exact same — Ace of Diamonds — it is no wonder the two were drawn together when Steve spoke at a Stanford event that Laurene was attending. That they hit it off, they would be almost separable for 20 years until Steve passed away in 2011.


Kevin Bacon & Kyra Sedgwick have been married 35+ years and the last movie they worked together was in 2004. But the 20-year draught is over. Bacon and Sedgwick will be starring together in a comedy movie called Connescence, according to news reports in late January 2024.

Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick together in the 20th century.

The Woodsman premiered at the Sundance Film Festival on January 19, 2004, where it was nominated for the Grand Jury Prize, and was screened at the Chicago International Film Festival on October 10, 2004, where it was nominated for the Gold Hugo. The film was theatrically released in the United States on December 24, 2004, to widespread acclaim, with Bacon's performance earning critical praise. It received three nominations at the 20th Independent Spirit Awards, Best First Feature for director Nicole Kassell, and Bacon secured Best Male Lead with Hannah Pilkes earning Best Debut Performance. At the 9th Golden Satellite Awards, Bacon was nominated for Best Actor and Sedgwick was nominated for Best Supporting Actress- Drama..

Kyra Sedgwick and Kevin Bacon have been married nearly 36 years.

The couple actually first met in 1978 when Bacon was getting lunch between performances of his off-Broadway play Getting Out, Bacon was approached by a young fan and her older brother — which turned out to be 12-year-old Sedgwick. Although Bacon doesn't remember the interaction, it was the first time he met nis now-wife. It was in 1988 that the two fell in love.

Bacon and Sedgwick formally met on the set of 1988's Lemon Sky. Their connection was immediate. She told an interviewer for Vulture, "He was the one, you know? He was just the soul mate, he was just the one."‘

Kevin Bacon’s two Life Cards (left) and Kyra Sedgwick’s two Life Cards (right) have their respective first cards matching same number (7).

Todd’s Takeaways:

❤️With their first two Life Cards matching same number, it is not surprising that they had that ‘love at first sight’ attraction. This ‘mirror’ effect promotes a ‘I see you, you see me’ feeling, in other words, “I get you, you get me.”

❤️Kevin and Kyra have been married since 1988 and are proud parents to two adult children: son Travis, 34, and daughter Sosie, 31. Both have pursued careers in the entertainment industry, with Travis working as a musician and producer, and Sosie becoming a successful actress in her own right. If you’re interested in learning about their birthdates and CrownLine’s assessment of their cards, send an email to: [email protected].


Low-key love translates to long-term commitment for Steve and Nancy Carell, who tied the knot in 1995.

During a 2015 appearance on ‘The Ellen DeGeneres Show Steve recalled the period before he and Nancy started officially dating. At the time, Nancy worked as a bartender across the street from Second City, and Steve would go in to chat with her.

"We were terrible," Steve recalled. "We were both very, very timid, sort of nervous, shy people around each other. The conversation would go something like, 'Hey, you know, if I were ever to ask a woman out, it would be someone like you, exactly like you.' "

Nancy was equally as timid. "And she'd say, 'If a guy like you were ever to ask a woman like me out, I would definitely do that,' " Steve added. "But this went on for weeks!"

They eventually mustered up the courage to make it happen: "Other people at the bar must have been like, 'Just do it! Put us all out of our misery.' And finally, we did, and it was great."

Steve and Nancy Carell have worked well together in show business (e.g., “The 40-Year-Old Virgin”; “The Office”), but their off-screen chemistry is even more potent, reflected in their first cards of their respective two life cards being ‘suited and connected’.

Steve Carrel’s first of two Life Cards (10Clubs) is ‘suited and connected’ to wife Nancy’s first of two Life Cards, the 9Clubs.

Todd’s Takeaways

❤️With their respective first cards of their two Life Cards being ‘suited and connected’ — Steve’s 10Clubs to Nancy’s 9Clubs — it is not surprising that the couple have been happily married since 1995.

❤️The fact that Steve and Nancy are ‘suited and connected’ is undeniable. I had to smile when I read in People Magazine the following:

Nancy and Steve wed in August 1995 in a church in Massachusetts.

"I'll never forget standing at the altar and I saw her coming down the aisle — immediately a sense of calm came over me," Steve told The Guardian. "There was an ethereal sense of how right it all was and more than anything it was very empowering knowing that person was going to be my partner and have my back. It just made me feel strong, and I'll never forget it."




Tracy M.,” a former college superstar and NBA Championship ring bearer, says, “I have known Todd since the 1990s and I can tell you that I have personally observed how the CROWNLINE Method de-codes human relationship chemistry. I use the Method in my business and my family to help me make informed decisions about important matters that involve human relationship chemistry.

“Jessica H.” , a life coach specializing in alignment of physical and mental conditioning, says, “My belief in the CROWNLINE Method goes back to the early 2000’s. Todd Person gave my then-boyfriend and me good news about our relationship. We were suited & connected. We were indeed well-suited and connected to one another, but the (cards) confirmation from Todd took out the guesswork. Soon after, we were married and have been for the past decade. I didn’t see Todd again until 2023, and the information he could deliver from his CrownLine consultations had increased tenfold. He told my husband and I that we would be moving that year — and we did. He told us that we would have an excellent money-making year, and we did. Everything he told us happened down to the day! Todd’s system is impressive and has helped me navigate through my life experience with more certainty and clarity.”

Shellee R.” , a successful small business owner and parent of two successful adult kids, says, “The CROWNLINE Method reveals the connections in life and relationships. The cards and their meanings explain to us how and why our lives connect with others. It has been fascinating to see the clarity and confidence that the CROWNLINE Method can provide.”

Ava-Marie L.”, an NCAA division I scholar-athlete, says, “The CROWNLINE Method is amazingly accurate, and I successfully applied it to my personal life on campus, able to connect with a great guy, based on our respective birthdates.”

“Dylan G.”, an NCAA division I scholar-athlete playing quarterback, says, “I used the CROWNLINE Method as part of my decision-making for choosing the right NCAA school to play football. My cards aligned with those of the coach and the offensive coordinator, and I’m feeling great about my prospects for having a successful college career in the quarterback position.”

Do you have a topic for a case study that you would like CrownLine and Todd to examine? It can be related to sports, music and entertainment, or any subject matter you choose - all that’s needed is to supply the birthdates of the relevant individuals.

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