Suited & Connected Issue 8

Illuminating relationship chemistry via the CROWNLINE Method

You’re reading the eighth issue of Suited & Connected©, the newsletter of CrownLine! 😊

This newsletter’s content brings to you examples of how the CROWNLINE Method can help you leverage your knowledge of your own birthday and the birthdays of other individuals to optimize your human chemistry relationships. These relationships span a wide spectrum — be it your work life, making and enhancing connections with acquaintances for friendship, better understanding professionals who provide services, and, even identifying potential soulmates.

BIRTHDATES MATTER: In this issue of Suited & Connected© we will feature CROWNLINE Method assessment of newsmakers in music & entertainment, sports, and business.


With the Grammy's airing on Sunday February 4 , the team at CrownLine thought it would be a good opportunity to show how relationships as decoded by the CROWNLINE Method can produce some of the most successful and memorable songs.

 Below are three different CrownLine relationship patterns. In these three examples each woman wrote and sang the song about the relationship that moved them.


In our first example, our female singer has a birthdate of June 25: 5Clubs/9Clubs singing about a July 21 birthdate 7Clubs/King Clubs. When there are two numbers apart of the same suit, that is a Venus connection which means Love and Romance. The song we are talking about is called Anticipation by Carly Simon. It was written while she was waiting for her ‘first date’ with musician Cat Stevens.

(Left) Cat Stevens, Carly Simon (Right).


In example #2, our female singer was born October 3: she’s a 6Diamonds/10Hearts singing about August 27:Queen Hearts/10Clubs.

Making a "pair" of the same number is excellent potential for personal relationships and also for making money in business or on a project. In this case, the ending of the personal relationship sparked the creativity to produce the album Tragic Kingdom by No Doubt with the hit song “Don’t Speak”— a HUGE success, selling over 16 million copies worldwide. Ideally the best combination for personal relationship building is to have matching numbers or cards be in the first position of the two Life Cards. In this example, the pair of 10s are in the second position, and frequently, when this dynamic exists the relationship can fracture and disintegrate.

“When we meet someone with the same number or the exact same card it can seem like we are looking in a mirror and seeing a reflection of ourselves,” says Todd Anthony Person, founder of The CROWNLINE Method. “This in turn can be exciting and alluring. In this example, the pair of 10s in the second position did not result in an enduring personal relationship. Through the breakup of the relationship the pain that Gwen Stefani experienced resulted in her channeling those feelings into an artistic expression that the Band No Doubt translated into the global hit ‘Don’t Speak’, reached #1 on the adult top 40 chart for 15 consecutive weeks.”

Fast-forward to 2024. Here, in the United States Stefani and her former beau Tony Kanal will be performing together in April with their two other No Doubt bandmates, in a band reunion at Coachella.

Gwen Stefani (left) and Tony Kanal — at one time a couple — broke up and inspired Stefani to write and sing the hit song “Don’t Speak”


Our last example will be the 10Hearts/Ace Diamonds, born November 23, singing about the Ace Spades/9Clubs, born January 13, and their failed marriage.

There are four material triggers or red flags in these two people coming together. The first three triggers are all in their first cards:: the first card suits don’t match; the second is no number match in the first cards; finally, historical data shows that healthy long-term relationships match Odd-Odd or Even-Even. Historical data with over 1,000 personal relationships examined has shown that Odd-Even first cards result in a 75 percent chance of ending.

What attracted these two people together in the first place was the mirroring of the Aces that each person respectively personifies. Although they do "make a pair", their Aces are "inverted": that is to say, the February 11 person's first card is the Ace of Spades, and the November 21 person’s second card is an Ace of Diamonds. Inverted connections are another less than fortuitous pattern that can lead to unfaithfulness and divorce.

The marriage of this couple would end but the "Pair of Aces" would produce the World Wide Hit song “Flowers” by Miley Cyrus. In Flowers, Miley sings about her time with former husband Liam Helmsworth. Miley and Flowers is in contention for a Grammy Award in 2024.

(Left) Liam Helmsworth and Miley Cyrus (Right)

Do You See What I See? In a Forbes piece in advance of the February 4 , 2024 Grammy Awards, Hugh McIntyre writes that Miley Cyrus is a favorite to win for her album “Flowers.” Miley’s second Life Card is the Ace of Diamonds — do you see the diamond pattern on her outfit’s top?!


Death is the unavoidable knock out (KO) we all face; sadly, actor Carl Weathers passed too soon at age 76, it was announced by news media February 2. 2024.

Weathers’ breakthrough came when he played the fictional character Apollo Creed, nemesis boxer of Rocky Balboa in the movie “Rocky”, starring Sylvester Stallone.

Carl Weathers (left), who played Rocky Balboa’s boxing nemesis Apollo Creed in the hit movie “Rocky” posed with Sylvester Stallone for photographers at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival.

According to CROWNLINE Method Founder Todd Anthony Person, successful movies require chemistry between actors, and his assessment of the cards chemistry between Weathers and Stallone showed the two were connected long before they acted together in front of the cameras. “Carl and Sylvester had a connection on their respective birth dates,” Todd says.

Sylvester Stallone was born July 6, his Life Cards being 9Diamonds/2Spades.

Carl Weathers was born January 14, his Life Cards being King of Diamonds/8Clubs.

Two major connections existed, Todd says: Weathers and Stallone had matching first suits (Diamonds) and both had Odd first numbers — 9Diamonds, King of Diamonds.

Weathers and Stallone fought it out in the ring for the first two films of the famous boxing franchise, and they remained friends in the decades following the final installment, 1985’s Rocky IV.

Stallone shared a video on his Instagram Friday (the day this newsletter published), remembering Weathers and their time together in their breakthrough films. In the caption, he partially wrote, “We lost a legend yesterday. My life was forever changed for the better the day I met Carl Weathers.”


“Tracy M.,” a former college superstar and NBA Championship ring bearer, says, “I have known Todd since the 1990s and I can tell you that I have personally observed how the CROWNLINE Method de-codes human relationship chemistry. I use the Method in my business and my family to help me make informed decisions about important matters that involve human relationship chemistry.

“Jessica H.” , a life coach specializing in alignment of physical and mental conditioning, says, “My belief in the CROWNLINE Method goes back to the early 2000’s. Todd Person gave my then-boyfriend and me good news about our relationship. We were suited & connected. We were indeed well-suited and connected to one another, but the (cards) confirmation from Todd took out the guesswork. Soon after, we were married and have been for the past decade. I didn’t see Todd again until 2023, and the information he could deliver from his CrownLine consultations had increased tenfold. He told my husband and I that we would be movs0ing that year — and we did. He told us that we would have an excellent money-making year, and we did. Everything he told us happened down to the day! Todd’s system is impressive and has helped me navigate through my life experience with more certainty and clarity.”

Shellee R.” , a successful small business owner and parent of two successful adult kids, says, “The CROWNLINE Method reveals the connections in life and relationships. The cards and their meanings explain to us how and why our lives connect with others. It has been fascinating to see the clarity and confidence that the CROWNLINE Method can provide.”

Ava-Marie L.”, an NCAA division I scholar-athlete, says, “The CROWNLINE Method is amazingly accurate, and I successfully applied it to my personal life on campus, able to connect with a great guy, based on our respective birthdates.”

“Dylan G.”, an NCAA division I scholar-athlete playing quarterback, says, “I used the CROWNLINE Method as part of my decision-making for choosing the right NCAA school to play football. My cards aligned with those of the coach and the offensive coordinator, and I’m feeling great about my prospects for having a successful college career in the quarterback position.”


Feeling whimsical and have bandwidth for a smile? Take the CrownLine True or False quiz:

1) CrownLine founder Todd Anthony Person founded the CrownLine Method when watching House of Cards on TV in 2016, Todd fell asleep and had a dream that fused numerology, neuroscience, psychology, and astrology.

False. Todd cultivated the CROWNLINE Method over a 25-year period after a serious romantic relationship soured and he was determined to find out what went wrong.

2) CrownLine’s newsletter is called Suited & Connected©, but originally the CrownLine team considered calling the newsletter “Seated & Connected©”, thinking most people would read the newsletter ‘seated’, in the privacy of their bathroom, utilizing their smartphone.

False. Suited & Connected© gets its name as a newsletter because the term is a dynamic in which two birthdates cards have certain properties where time after time we see patterns of great connectedness leading to life successes.

3) A former NBA basketball player who garnered a Championship ring playing for the Houston Rockets swears by The CROWNLINE Method, utilizing it to help make key decisions in his business and family life.


Ultimately, it is Todd’s hope that after reading Suited & Connected© you’ll want to join the CrownLine Community. In doing so, you’ll acquire the tools and playbook to leverage the CROWNLINE Method to make informed choices about how you want to optimize your life.

Want to share Suited & Connected© with a relative or friend? Feel free to forward your copy to them via email, or, better yet, send us their email contact and we’ll do the heavy lifting. 😊😊😊 

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